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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bandar Bukit Raja

Collected the keys of the new house on Friday 25 July
2008. Although there are some still defects the

developer have the house cleaned up and

even moped.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Report Card - 2

Went to the above school to collect report card.
Meet on arrival were prefects of the school, they made you feel
like VIP.  They show you right to the class room.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Seremban - Rubbish

Rubbish collection in Seremban is not well organised and
supervised. The rubbish collector open the rubbish door
and left it opened. In other places they closed it back.
Hope something is done about it.

Report Card

 Wonder why school ask parents to collect report card, it's a simple waste of time.  Why not filter only those troublesome student and ask parents of these student.  Save time for the parents and teachers wasted one school days for this purpose.